Welcome to
Kansas City’s Hacker Hive
SecKC is Kansas City’s longest-running monthly security meetup, but it’s more than a meetup. It’s a community of awesome hackers, makers, builders, and breakers. It’s a little like a monthly dose of hacker summer camp right here at home. And you can be part of it too - all you have to do is show up!
SecKC and Folding @ Home
Have a few personal and CPU/GPU cycles currently? Lend your power to research including the study of Coronavirus. More at www.foldingathome.org. Join the SecKC Folding @ Home team by using Team ID 237210 in your client. Our team started March 15, with a ranking of 22102. As of April 10, our ranking was 969 of 249651! 12:11 Over 40 SecKC team members are contributing compute cycles. Statistics here: https://stats.foldingathome.org/team/237210
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Upcoming Meetups
Looking to join Kansas City’s Hacker Hive? Attend our monthly meetings and join us on Discord!
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