Upcoming events.

SecKC - January 2025

SecKC - January 2025

If you survived the snowpocolypse, grab your laptop and come capture some flags for our FIRST SECKC MEETING OF 2025!!

We’ll have the usuals! Free pizza, great drinks available for purchase, and the wacky people that keep showing up to this thing (that’s you)!!

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December SecKC

December SecKC

December 2024 SecKC

Thought you were done with us?!

Not quite yet!

Come join us at UpDown in Crossroads for our December SecKC hangout! Get ready to get social for the last time of 2024. We’ll be passing out free tokens and free drinks in you show up before we run out!

Perhaps even a tournament of sorts for a free piece of hardware swag?!?! If we get over 30 people to come out, there could be even MORE!!

Folks will start congregating around 5pm, but no pressure! We’ll start getting rowdy at 6pm!

You’re running out of time to prove you’ll be there, rather than square. *insert generic Santa threat*

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SecKC - November 2024

SecKC - November 2024

We made it all the way to November in (mostly) one piece! Get ready for SWAPVEMBER! We’ll have an awesome presentation on BRAINS and get to swap all our techy type stuff afterwards!! This can be anything from computers to books to stickers to small techie items!

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SecKC - July 2024 (Picnic)

SecKC - July 2024 (Picnic)

Where: Longview Lake, Shelter 12 - 38.9074825,-94.4806193

When: July 9, 2024 @ 6:00PM - 8:00PM (or until they kick us out)

[Directions] Take I-470 to Raytown Road, head south, it will be on the left

It's time for SecKC's FOURTH ANNUAL (!!!!) picnic, where you can chill with fellow cyber nerds, enjoy free food, and play yard games.

Come on out to hang with your pals, meet some new folks, and have a blast when park patrol comes to kick you out.

Its BYOB, so be sure to bring your favorite drinks or pawn off your discards on your hakcer friends.

Spouses, friends, countryfolk, all welcome. The cops may or may not be there too!

You'll find us down at Longview Lake's Shelter 12 on Tuesday, July 9th, from 6pm till 8:00 (or until they kick us out).


Where: Longview Lake, Shelter 12 (38.9074825,-94.4806193)

When: July 9, 2024 @ 6:00pm - Dark

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SecKC - March 2024

SecKC - March 2024

SecKC March Sponsor: ~AVAILABLE~

WHERE: Tall Trellis Brew Co. - 25600 West Valley Parkway, Olathe, KS, 66061 United States

From college degenerate to government sanctioned degenerate.

From dumpster scavenged trash to clever hacking tools.

Join us for a dumpster fire of pure, only-slightly-adulterated excellence! March's SecKC meeting is sure to leave you with handy takeaways and creative tips to apply in shenanigous ways.

We’ll also have TOOOL KC & TOOOL DSM hosting a lockpicking table and FREE HAM RADIO TESTING AGAIN! Register for testing here: https://ham.study/sessions/65e0b3ac1878a1f51402d9fd/1

5:00 - 6:00 Make excuses / pre-drinking

6:00 - 6:10 SecKC 101 / announcements / Welcome to SecKC - @zuul

6:10 - 6:20 Open source news briefing - @igitt42

6:20 - 6:35 Mad beatz - @j0nny54l1v3

6:35 - 7:20 On The Importance of Community (or: How SecKC Helped Turn a Curious College Kid into a Fed Hacker) - @sysaaron

Aaron Scantlin (aka sysaaron) came to his first SecKC meeting in 2014 all the way from Columbia, MO - and would continue to drive back and forth damn near every Patch Tuesday until he moved back to KC during the pandemic in 2021. Sound crazy? Probably not as crazy as Aaron's story of coming up in the infosec field! Come listen to his rambling eloquent recollection of his path into infosec, and specifically how coming to and volunteering with SecKC helped both the local security community and his personal career grow over the years.

7:30 - 8:30 Tactics of a Trash Panda - @Angel Gamboa

In a world of custom hardware implants, specialized spy tools, and outrageous prices for performing red team activities, where does a person sponsored by no state or agency stand in manufacturing their own tooling? In this talk we embrace what it is to be a true hacker, using resources around you to accomplish your missions! Join as as we discuss how you can cheaply create your own gadgets and tooling for physical engagements!

8:30+ Dope tracks & chatter

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SecKC - February 2024

SecKC - February 2024

SecKC February Sponsor: ~AVAILABLE~

WHERE: Tall Trellis Brew Co. - 25600 West Valley Parkway, Olathe, KS, 66061 United States

Looking for a Valentine? Look no further! We got whatchu need. Some awesome hakcer content, boxes of pizzas, local beers, fire beats, and all your security friends in one place. Oh - and we’ll also have some news about directors/some re-structuring of our voluteers/organizers that will help ensure we continue thriving and stuff.

FREE HAM RADIO TESTING AGAIN!!!! If you registered for ham radio testing (https://hamstudy.org/sessions/653165af93ab5938bb2a0323/1), be sure to show up with your photo ID! Didn’t register? You may still be able to take the test! DM @reid on Discord for details.

5:00 - 6:00 Make excuses / pre-drinking

6:00 - 6:05 SecKC 101 / announcements / Welcome to SecKC. - An attempt at coherent sentences brought to you by @zuul

6:05 - 6:25 SecKC 102 / an update on that SecKC Director stuff - @hevnsnt

6:25 - 6:45 Mad beats - @j0nny54l1v3

6:45 - 7:15 State of Security Automation Report - @tuckner

For the past year, I've been capturing information on the automations security operations teams are implementing in their organizations. In this presentation, I'll be sharing the results along with specific case studies.

7:30 - 8:30 Everything You Think You Know About AI is Wrong, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Started to Love Words Again - @jur1st

"A seismic shift in conventional thinking”

"Mind blowing"

"jur1st's conviction is contagious - he's about to give your conventional wisdom a run for its money"

"This changes everything"

“Who even chooses which quips get to go on the back on books? Are they just made up? Certainly not these ones…”

8:30+ Moar mad beats and social

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SecKC - January 2024

SecKC - January 2024

Due to weather and unforeseen conflicts, we are having a social meeting this month! Debate the decentralized social platforms amongst yourselves with pizza, beers, and camaraderie!

If you registered for ham radio testing (https://hamstudy.org/sessions/653165af93ab5938bb2a0323/1), be sure to show up with your photo ID!

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SecKC - December 2023

SecKC - December 2023

SecKC Holiday Edition: The Gang Captures Santa's Flags

SecKC is in the holiday spirit, so join us at 9th & State in the West Bottoms.

We’ll have some food, drinks, and will play the SANS Holiday Hack Challenge.

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SecKC - November 2023

SecKC - November 2023

It's the most haKCable time of the year AND the last SecKC meeting of 2023!
Come on out to Tall Trellis Brew Co. to learn how to retire early with side hustles involving memes, unlock the secrets of signal analysis on Android, and say see-ya-next-year to your fav SecKC pals.

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SecKC - October 2023

SecKC - October 2023

Time to get your spooky haKCs in before everything is Christmas decorations! Grab a marzen, your best leiderhosen, a defcon hoodie and all the stuff you can and come out to SecKC Swaptoberfest! That's right, it's a SecKC meeting dedicated to the redistribution of well, whatever it is you want to redistribute.

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SecKC - July 2023

SecKC - July 2023

Fresh off the SecKC picnic and we don't want to lose momentum. Come out to Tall Trellis, learn some stuff, see your haKCer friends, and support @mrgriff01! That's right, we'll be at some new digs, partially owned by a SecKCer! They might even let @sysaaron back on the mic!

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SecKC - June 2023 (Picnic)

SecKC - June 2023 (Picnic)

What?!? It’s June already??

That means it's time for SecKC's THIRD ANNUAL (!!!!) picnic, where you can chill with fellow cyber nerds, enjoy free food, play yard games, and definitely not cheat while playing cards.

Come on out to hang with your pals, meet some new folks, and have a blast when park patrol comes to kick you out.

Its BYOB, so be sure to bring your favorite drinks or pawn off your discards on your hakcer friends.

Spouses, friends, countryfolk, all welcome. The cops will be there too!

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SecKC - January 2023

SecKC - January 2023

Woot!, or Toot! as the case may be. Shake off the post-holiday fog and come out to SecKC! This month we're having a new edition of drunk haKCers debate technology. That's right, Twitter turned into a Muskovian hellscape so about 80% of the infosec people all went "nah" and migrated over to various Mastodon instances. But what does that even mean, and is it a good thing?

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SecKC - November 2022

SecKC - November 2022

Are we just finishing up HaKCerween? or getting ready for HaKCsgiving? Either way Join us in November for all the awesomeness! These flags are out on the server feeling lonely, they need you to find them! Big thanks to the folks at Crowdstrike for sponsoring this meeting!

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SecKC - October 2022

SecKC - October 2022

Homecoming! That's right y'all, we're back at the newly renamed Kanza Hall! Come and see us at G&C!

A big shout to Atredis for sponsorship this month! Thanks so much!

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SecKC - September 2022

SecKC - September 2022

Do you remember?

The 13th night of September?

SecKC was LIT AF

Daniel Charboneau will be talking about Confidential Computing (It’s coming whether you are ready or not) and many of us were at summer camp (D3FC0N) this year and so much happened. Covid was caught. Black badges were won. HUGE badges were bought. Unspeakable things were done to power the huge badge. An ad hoc badgemaking party was held. So much hacking! Oh, and OMG scorpion shots! Hang with our panel for the review!

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SecKC - June 2022

SecKC - June 2022

Bring your friends, beer, and card games. It’s SecKC’s annual picnic and it’s going to be a blast! Get ready for fun games, even more fun people, and free foods! This is SecKC’s second annual picnic and it’s going to be amazing! Don’t miss it!

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SecKC - May 2022

SecKC - May 2022

SecKC is live on Patch Tuesday in May (that's the 10th for those of you lucky enough to not know)! Kickin' it old school, in person at Barley's in Shawnee! We've got news, music, and food, oh my! We've got Getting to Blinky part 2 and villiages! We've got this whole social vibe you're finally coming to terms with the fact that you need!

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SecKC - February 2022

SecKC - February 2022

SecKC is back for another dose of February awesomeness, still virtual because of uncle Omi.

Need a fun small hardware project? Build a pwnagotchi and amaze your friends! Love open source? Hate open source? Wondering what the source is and who opened it in the first place? Hang with us while we seek to sort the source!

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SecKC - January 2022

SecKC - January 2022

Log4Shell holiday memorial event. Pour one out (or more to the point, into) all the poor folks who had to burn the second half of December dealing with the ever moving remediation. Also known as the first meeting in 2022.

Emperor Lrrr from Omicron Persei Eight tells us we must do this remotely or they will destroy the Earth, so join us on Zoom or on YouTube and come hang in the discord to chat with all the hakcers.

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